(USA) Guides on stacking using rebate apps?

Can you direct me to any references or report-backs about which offers can be stacked and which cannot? (in USA) Here’s what I (think I) know so far:

For my purposes, **”can be stacked”** means **”can reliably be stacked without getting in trouble.”** That’s stricter than “can sometimes get away with stacking” but looser than “is allowed to be stacked,” if that makes sense. However, I understand that the situation might not be 100% yes/no, and could change over time or depending on the situation.

So far, everything I know about stacking rebates between apps comes from

* these three excellent guides from mikazah: [1](https://www.reddit.com/user/Mikazah/comments/cii623/umikazahs_beermoney_recommendations/), [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/v7442x/guide_beginners_guide_to_using_rebate_appssites/), [3](https://www.reddit.com/user/Mikazah/comments/v5cryj/want_to_get_paid_to_buy_groceries_gas_and_other/)
* the fine print on each offer, which is not always clear or accurate,
* theoretically I could read the store policies but I never have ([KCL has a good list of links](https://thekrazycouponlady.com/tips/couponing/the-ultimate-guide-to-stacking-coupons) to many),
* this quote again from mikazah (**emphasis mine**):

>Alexa, Bing, Shopmium, and **some SB offers** cannot be stacked with each other. They are the same exact rebate and go through the same company. They also cannot be stacked with **manufacturer coupons**, and if you have two rebates on a single app they also cannot be stacked together. I have been told by support before that it only applies to their own rebates though, so scanning your receipt with, say, Fetch was fine. You can use both apps if you purchase multiple items though. Although, I do recommend putting those items on separate receipts to prevent potential issues.

Based on common sense, I would **GUESS** the following:

* You also apply the Shopmium rules to [coupons.com](https://coupons.com) and quotient, and the SB rules to MyPoints and InboxDollars.
* If an offer says that it doesn’t work with other coupons/discounts, it’s very unlikely to work in any situation where the coupon/discount appears as a line item on the receipt.

I came up with some more specific questions, **but probably a reference would be the best way to answer them**, and to determine which ones are kinda pointless. Here are those questions:

1. Can you stack store coupons with Alexa+Bing+Shopmium+some SB offers? Does it vary based on the store or whether the coupon is paper vs digital?
2. I think of every paper coupon as either a manufacturer coupon or a store coupon. Is there some other type that I should be thinking about?
3. I know that some of the online cashback portals fail when you pay using a gift card. Does this happen with any of the common receipt-scanning apps.
4. My current approach is to never use a manufacturer or store coupon with any app-based offer that says you can’t combine it with other offers. Is that too strict?
5. Is there a good way to tell which SB offers don’t stack with Alexa/Bing/Shopmium? Maybe it’s the ones with similar language or the ones marked as manufacturer coupons? Does it sometimes apply to the Magic Receipts offers, or just to the other ones?
6. Manufacturer coupons don’t stack with Alexa+Bing+Shopmium+some SB offers. **Are there exceptions to that?** Does this rule apply to manufacturer rebates as well as other types of coupons? I’m guessing that these would stack with the more general rebate programs run directly by manufacturers, like P&G, Energizer, maybe MyCareClub? But I have no direct evidence for this.
7. Are there things that cannot stack with store coupons? At the very least, I’m guessing that you can’t stack a coupon that generates a line item on the receipt with an offer that says you can’t combine it. But I’m thinking maybe you can stack if it doesn’t generate a line item. Maybe I’m wrong; maybe all store coupons generate a line item, or maybe that information is encoded in the receipt in some less obvious way, or is stored somewhere outside the receipt that other providers can find. But if it does matter, how often do store coupons generate line items like that?

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